My etsy shop

- “Your what shop?, asked my sister when she came to visit last summer.

- It’s like an open space on internet for indie designers, handmade things and so on.

- But is this interesting for you? Don’t you think you should just sell to shops and do the shows…

- You know, I never really made money when I did the Prêt-à-Porter show in Paris, just covered the costs honestly. So I think it’s great, just being able to put a few of my designs on a virtual shop and may be I sell, may be I don't but it's free. Well, they charge 0,20 cents per item. No big deal.

So as I said, my sister came to visit me last June from France and at that time I was planning to open an etsy shop. We started to make pictures of bags and stationary items and then days passed by…months passed by...and finally I set up my shop two days ago.

It's called lalaema and right now only features 10 items, among which you will find

Valentine cards (certainly too late for those but please tell me love also exists on days which are not Valentine day, otherwise it would be too depressing)

Gift packaging


More bags

and still more bags

Of course, I plan to add more things. You see, that's the very good thing with etsy. When I'm not working on a translation, I can quickly set up my work table and make an album or a few cards or design a bag.

I will show finished items on the blog. It will be fun !


Elizabeth said…
Happy Valentine's day!
I'm in New York on a brief visit and will look out for pretty items like yours........
all best wishes
I've been by once or twice after finding you on Elizabeth's blog recently and just want to say how much I enjoy your photos and stories, etc. Your etsy shop items are really great! And thanks for explaining what an etsy shop is!

I'm writing to ask your permission to add your blog to my sidebar...

Anonymous said…
Beautiful! I love your store items! Congrats on opening the store.


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