I dreamt this charming zephyr would bring me happy news from the Atlantic, singing something like : "hail, hail...you won Diane's painting of a dress" ....alas no...oh well never mind, may be another time !
Today I feel in my beige...Soy en mi beis, I told Monchéri and he said he was too. It's just a phrase meaning: so-so, half and half, half-sad, half-happy, half stupid, half moody, half visible even...and with no reason justifying the beige state of mind

so here's a post celebrating romantic beigitude

with lace stocking and silk garments designed for an invisible waist

perfumed gloves for delicate hands

oh...the impossible object of torture and desire

the compulsory element of seduction
pics taken at the exhibition "XIXth century garments" at the Museo de Bellas Artes en Granada, last march
Greetings from London.
beautiful exhibition
Now you need a beige dessert...maybe a brulee or profiterole and I think you'll feel much better.
You've done a magical job celebrating it here though!
Where do you get your fantastic images? You must be on the road all the time~