Peruvian photographer Martin Chambí (2)
I posted earlier about Peruvian photographer Martin Chambí whose work was exhibited in Granada and some of you wanted to see more. Since then I bought the book of the exhibition and scanned those for you...I did it a little bit in hurry, so please forgive me if some are roughly cropped...

organist in the chapel of Tinta, Cusco, 1935

self portrait on Machu Pichu site, 1934
I was so glad to discover Martin Chambi's work. Hope you'll enjoy it too. Have a great week end, active or lazy with myriads of dreams.....
Greetings from London.
Your cards are exquisite and I shall be contacting you via email.
Thank you for a lovely blog.
Thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring blog. Somehow, I stumbled upon your lovely place and visit often.
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Omgoodness! These are beautiful.