Verde que te quiero verde...

I passed by this house twice yesterday in my village and although I'm not a partisan of the Andalusian tradition of hanging a curtain on the front door, I was quite seduced by the mix of green fabric and traditional ceramic tiles on the wall. I also love how Andalusian people fill a tiny balcony with plenty of plants and flowers. Seems so romantic to me....

and note how the electrical cables almost mixes elegantly with the !


Yoli said…
We had tile like that in Cuba. My gradmother also loved to fill her balcony with foliage. Lots of potted basil.
Kaye Waller said…
I come from the Sanbuenaventura/Santa Barbara area in California, and this look is so very familiar to me. The Spanish influence is the best thing about my home state. Funny how your pictures of the home country make me miss the 18th century colony!
blackbird said…
I love the green and the tiles but I have to ask- Why do they hang a curtain on the outside of a door?
Linda Sue said…
On Burano Island the doors are all curtained as well, very colourful and welcoming though I don't know what sense it makes. Your shots are gorgeous - you live SO beautifully!
Patricia said…
This is such a beautiful world you live in. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Susana said…
It looks beautiful!

Hey, Lala, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving one of your lovely comments!
The curtains and the exotic looking tiles have a very romantic sense and aesthetic appeal!
I would love to sit outside this house and share a cup of tea with a storyteller....
Joyful said…
It does look beautiful!
Anonymous said…
nice nice & nice

take a look here;

Merisi said…
Simply gorgeous!

I imagine that the curtains are part of a general aim to keep the heat out of the house.
Relyn Lawson said…
Now I want to know about the door curtains. The why, really. Do tell.
Agus said…
For blackbird y otros amigos con dudas sobre las cortinas de color verde, en Andalucia en verano hace mucho calor y las casas en estos pequeños pueblos se tiene la costunbre de dejar las puertas abiertas para que fluya la corriente de aire a través del interior de la vivienda, que normalmente tienen un patio interior y las bonitas cortinas su función es evitar qque pasen insectos.
un saludo a todos.

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