Sushi in Granada
There are many so-called Japanese restaurants in Granada, run by Chinese people and although the sushi in those places are acceptable I was very thrilled to discover a new Japanese restaurant run by a real Japanese chief who prepares your food in front of you. Zakuro is a simple small place in black and red, ideal for lunch or a dinner sushi party with friends.
All I can say is I'm glad I just had lunch before reading your posting. My mouth is watering anyway!
So what did you have?!?!?!?!
Have a great week, Lala -
Catherine xx
Sorry it's been a while since I have visited you lovely girl... I've missed your happy blog.
Sending you a hug from Oia xxx
I like sashimi more than sushi :-)
hope you are doing well. thinking of you.
one love.
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What a fun new place you've found, and such lovely photos! It's getting late into the evening here and my mouth is watering and there is no sushi in sight for me now! ;)