Today is my home-work day with sewing and painting in the agenda. I had bought meters of a very cheap toile de Jouy at fabric shop Tramas in Granada and I'm now trying to finish some chair covers. Well until now, I've made two and need to make two more. If only, I could find the tidbit missing on my sewing would be a great help. In the end, I had to make them by hand...slowly but surely...

It's not a very elaborate
toile de Jouy but it's cotton and I especially like the hot air balloon pattern. I like its soft color and super price (6€ the meter in 280cm wide !).

I was also about to tackle some painting on my new lamp (bought at Gym's shop) but I think it will wait this week end ! I'm curious to know what you think about the rusty parts. Gym would leave it as it is. More romantic and authentic, she says. On my part, I would just add a touch of gold here and there. Mmmm... I'm not sure...What do you think ?

I'm now going to relax with a cup of tea and leafing through Owen Jones' wonderful
Grammar of Ornament which Gym lent me last sunday. I love it ! It contains about a hundred illustrated plates of every possible classical design : Roman, Egyptian, Indian, Greek, Moorish etc...Great source of inspiration.

TramasCalle San AntonGranada
You sewed them by hand? You are good! That must have taken forever.
They look great!
Being a decorative artist-the Grammer of Ornament is one of the foundation books we all is a must for decoration! Great post.
this toile de jouy is really wonderful, if i leaved in spain i'll buy the same, so clean, the faded caramel draws so nice. about the lamp i would leave the rust,i wouldn't paint nothing else, i'd try to find some round green, white or turquoise crystals balls to put my country house i put some crystal and murano necklaces around a lamp,i liked it too much.
I have a book similar to yours which is all about art deco patterns and prints. They are wonderful books like hat to browse through and pick up ideas.
Fab job on the chair covers as well my dear.
Much love