The black lace mantilla

It is this time of the year again when you can see women wearing their black lace mantilla, in Granada, especially on jueves santo and viernes santo. They wear it to attend the religious processions. Recently, I've been told that it's customary for women to wear the mantilla during the whole Semana Santa in Sevilla even if they don't attend the processions.
If only I could hop to Sevilla right now ! Since I live here, I've seen many processions, in Granada, in some small villages inland and on the coast. The procession which impressed me most took place at night, in Salobreña, a white little village on the coast. It started from the church at the top of the village and was only composed of women all dressed in black, all barefoot and in total silence. Believe me, it was truly impressive.
I thought overtime, my interest for the processions during Semana Santa would diminish. In fact, I want to know more about it....This is why this saturday, if plans don't change, I'm meeting a friend who participates to the processions as a penitent to collect his views and motivations. And hopefully, I can share this with you....
Have a wonderful week end
Happy Easter to you !


K said…
Beautiful photography as usual! We are going to watch the Easter parade here on Friday and the silent parade is tonight. Do you think it is appropriate to take photos of the parades,due to the nature of the parades?
La Dolfina said…
Oh, I'll look forward to it!!
It's easy to see why you're so intrigued.
K said…
Hi thanks for getting back to me on the issue of whether it's appropriate to take photos during the easter parades. I may take a few, depends if there are other people doing it. I'm from the Valencia region of Spain. I used to have a blog called 'Spangle On Spain' which I think you may have commented on. Sadly, it's no more :-(
Susana said…
Qué bonita la mantilla!!! Feliz Semana Santa, Lala!
Marie said…
I've heard about how big of a deal Semana Santa is in Spain especially in Seville! Too bad, I'm not there to witness it, but well, I'm still looking forward to my visit there next month.
aguja said…
Hi! I have just discovered your blog ...and love it; the words, the photographs, the whole Spanish theme.
I live in Spain and I feel that you have captured each atmosphere brilliantly.
I, too, amd looking forward to the parades this Easter ... and would love to be in Seville, which is a favourite city of mine - oh the tapas there!!
Your blog will both cheer and inspire me - thank you for it and 'buenas fiestas'
Elisa said…
this is very interesting and I would be also intrigued. I look forward to hearing about your experience. A happy Easter to you too.
we will spend our weekend showing our daughter to decorate the eggs and putting stickers on them . It will be a first for the both of us!
christina said…
This is beautiful Hope you get a chance, to share more.
Mélanie A. said…
elles sont si chic et si dramatiques avec leur mantille , je suis en admiration
This is such an amazing tradition deep rooted in the culture of the country... have a lovely Easter!
Happy Easter it's my first visit'
very interesting.
ceecee said…
Dear Lala,

Reading your last 5 or 6 posts in one sitting was a beautiful journey. I adore your photos, your thoughts, your special way of creating, and your life which you seem to live to the fullest. I'm so happy to be back visiting with you.

Wishing you a joyous Easter,
Catherine xx
SE'LAH... said…
Beautiful. Who doesn't love lace?

Happy Easter, sweet Lala.

Ileana said…
Like you, I'm more curious about the women in black of Semana Santa. Lovely photo, btw.

¡Feliz Pascuas, amiguita linda! :)
Like you, I am enthralled with black or white lace mantilla. It just seems so rich in history and mystery.
There was a mini procession here yesterday (it's not quite the same as the ones we have back home).
There was a priest, sacristans and slew of churchgoers walking towards the church. I love this religious tradition.

I've always loved that picture of the woman in black lace mantilla.
Happy Easter!
Yoli said…
Mi abuelita siempre se la ponia durante semana santa.

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