In need of a sweet inspiration
What do you do when you feel the inspiration deserts you ? Me, I stop everything and just wait for another wave of creative spirit.
Music also helps. My last obsessive crush is the Queen Symphony which I've been listening to non stop this past week end.
I've also been working on a few sweet things to put in my etsy shop. Hopefully, I'll be able to show you on wednesday.
In the meantime, stay cozy and warm and I'd love to hear what inspires you.....
Voici un petit décor de gâteau en papier pour vous souhaiter un très bon et doux début de semaine. Ces derniers temps, j'essaie de boucler un projet qui doit être envoyé très très bientôt et c'est terrible parce que je ne suis vraiment pas contente de ce que j'ai fait jusqu'à présent. Bref, je n'arrête pas de soupirer sur ma table de travail. Que faire quand l'inspiration s'en va ? En général, j'arrête tout et j'attends qu'elle revienne.
La musique aide aussi. Mon dernière obsession du moment, c'est la Queen Symphony que j'ai écouté en boucle tout ce week end.
J'ai aussi bossé sur des petite choses sympas à mettre dans ma boutique etsy. J'espère pouvoir vous les montrer mercredi.
D'ici là, restez bien au chaud et dites-moi ce qui vous inspire.....
pic : me
(one of my little paper cake toppers)
(one of my little paper cake toppers)
I really need inspiration to do anything--not just creative work, but even just to start writing an academic paper.
And this inspiration usually comes in music, poetry, films, dramas inside people, and so on.
have a great week!
It gives feelings of Spring and all the nice things to come.
Incidentally, I have received lovely comments from the new owners of the notebooks that I sent out as presents. I really wanted to keep them for myself, but knew that they were going to deserving owners. So, you have brought much joy to the recipients.
I wish you an inspirational week! x
Catherine xx
I love the cake topper Lala! I sigh over my work many times before I can smile....
The only person I know that inspiration never, ever, leaves her is my sister, Hilda. She's creativeness in person!
Most of the time, my writings are based on a photograph.
Words inspire me, which becomes one of the reasons I take photographs...
Inspiration comes at the oddest time and weirdest place too!
Oh that picture - it's so romantic :-)