My village still has a taste of innocence and.....i've been tagged

My village is not exactly pretty. It doesn't have the charm of the small picturesque villages nearby in the valley, surrounded by lemon and orange groves, but I call it home now. "But you are too parisienne to live here!", say my friends. I thought that too when I first moved in the village and little by little I came to like it and even miss it a lot whenever I'm away.
I have a weakness, I'm a sentimental person. It's in this village that I met Monchéri. Of course, meeting inParis would have been romantic. Here, I like wandering through the narrow streets, smiling when I recognize a special spot where we kissed or had a stupid lover's quarrel.
Monchéri thinks we should move. We were discussing it the other day and he asked me what is it I like exactly about the village.
The first image which came to my mind is my neighbour next door wearing an apron and carrying some food to her daughter who lives two streets away. At lunch hour, between 1.30 pm and 2 pm, there's not a soul in the streets and most often there's a wonderful smell of grilled pepper or puchero (Andalusian stew) floating in the air.
I like this tranquillity, the absence of rush which sometimes is comical or absurd. Last week, as I was queuing up at the bank, one of the clerks got up and left his desk, saying placidly to the people waiting: bueno, ahora voy a desayunar, vuelvo enseguida. (I'm going to have breakfast, be back in a little while). And nobody protested. The man got hungry, it was 11 in the morning and the sandwich hour is sacred.
The siesta hour also is sacred. I must say I love it.
At the beginning I found people quite inquisitive. It often happened that someone would stop me in the street only to ask where I come from. Especially elderly is quite touching in fact. When I tell them I'm French, most often, they would say , ah Francia, estuve alli para trabajar...(ah France, I went there to work) and then we would start some conversation in French.
Like in most Andalusian villages, people say hello in the street, usually with a smile. It does make a huge difference.
I like this friendly atmosphere even if it remains superficial.
It is still very rural here although there is little money to earn for the local fruit producers. Now and then I see one of my neighbors, an old man, carrying wood or vegetables, on his mule, from the field. It moves me in a way as I realize he might be one of the last persons trotting on his mule through the village.
Mis queridos, I could go on a bit more on the subject but it's getting late and I need to eat !
I have a weakness, I'm a sentimental person. It's in this village that I met Monchéri. Of course, meeting in
Monchéri thinks we should move. We were discussing it the other day and he asked me what is it I like exactly about the village.
The first image which came to my mind is my neighbour next door wearing an apron and carrying some food to her daughter who lives two streets away. At lunch hour, between 1.30 pm and 2 pm, there's not a soul in the streets and most often there's a wonderful smell of grilled pepper or puchero (Andalusian stew) floating in the air.
The siesta hour also is sacred. I must say I love it.
At the beginning I found people quite inquisitive. It often happened that someone would stop me in the street only to ask where I come from. Especially elderly is quite touching in fact. When I tell them I'm French, most often, they would say , ah Francia, estuve alli para trabajar...(ah France, I went there to work) and then we would start some conversation in French.
Like in most Andalusian villages, people say hello in the street, usually with a smile. It does make a huge difference.
I like this friendly atmosphere even if it remains superficial.
It is still very rural here although there is little money to earn for the local fruit producers. Now and then I see one of my neighbors, an old man, carrying wood or vegetables, on his mule, from the field. It moves me in a way as I realize he might be one of the last persons trotting on his mule through the village.
Mis queridos, I could go on a bit more on the subject but it's getting late and I need to eat !
Cynthia’s tag is easy and amusing : quote 6 random things about you
1) it’s nearly midnight here and until now, I keep "reliving" the dream I had last night. Do you know this sensation, when you're having a pleasant dream and don't want to wake up? Briefly, in this dream, I walk in an empty city street. I can see myself and I wear a very pretty white lace night gown and one white glove on my right hand. I pass by an imposing white building (palladian style) which is a very chic store displaying enormous sculptures all in pale green shade. Why only one glove ? It feels both pleasant and unpleasant to walk outdoors in a night gown. I feel like being in a Chirico painting. There is no brand on the store but in my dream, I tell myself it's a Hermès shop. Then I find myself in some very large stairs which are in fact like miniature houses. Each step has a flower garden and I slowly descend this amazing stairs in ravishment until the alarm clock starts to ring. Shit..
3) I thought I was a foodie. Well I am, but in reality I prefer to eat a simple burger prepared by Monchéri with an ordinary beer. We still contemplate making a reservation at El Bulli though. I know…it’s a snobby thing..
4) I love learning languages. I still have to improve my Spanish though, I'm trying to read La Casa Verde by Mario Vargas LLosa and find it difficult. At school, my 2nd language was German, after English and Latin. I love the words das Schicksal (fate). I also like to scare people, saying : ich bin Teüflich (i'm devilish)….rolling my eyes and waving my hands high in the air. But that's about all alas for German, I wasn't too good at it. I also think Latin is a must.
5) I realize I never told you about my design activity. I will in a proper post. (sorry, now i'm hungry and sleepy!).
6) From the blog, you would have guessed that I’m very much in love with my boyfriend. He inspires me a lot. I even thought of creating a blog especially about him but naturally, it’s a total no-no…and who would be interested anyway? just me I guess....ain't I pathetic...
I actually enjoyed this tag !! thanks Cynthia !!
6) From the blog, you would have guessed that I’m very much in love with my boyfriend. He inspires me a lot. I even thought of creating a blog especially about him but naturally, it’s a total no-no…and who would be interested anyway?
I actually enjoyed this tag !! thanks Cynthia !!
Despite my jealousy, I'm quite enjoying your blog. I spent two weeks traveling between Paris and Spain (mostly Madrid and Barcelona) some time ago, and your blog helps me relive my time there.
You have given me the gift of responding to my tag, and now I am your loyal blog girlfriend. I'm going out to get one of those big pink straw hats that those French girls wore in the YouTube video (You posted that a short while ago) since that's the personality I picture you with -and I'm going to brush up on my French and begin to seriously practice Spanish so I can appreciate your Moncheri dialogue. And now, in honor of your year-end gesture,I'm going to patiently wait in line when I've been abandoned and simply reflect on sandwich hour in Spain at your little village.
For me it is important that I have had the experience of living in many big cities before ~ inspiring places, now I can bring all the past inspiration with me and enjoy peace just like you!
Really like the dream you were having! I too am fascinated by dreams.
Well all for now sweet one!
They probably think I'm the local crazy lady, but they usually wave back.
Your village sounds very idyllic. A very special place that so many of us would love the chance to enjoy as you do.
Happy New Year to you.
Cynthia tagged me, too...must think of something interesting to say...
Beautiful post!
People and places are always in such transition. Perhaps you can hang onto your village life and plan to be in cities more often to give you the best of both worlds.
ps. julochka and I have shopping mall dreams. Although we have planned to meet up in our sleep and go shopping together, it hasn't happened yet. ;-)
I am for the 3 year at a quiet place.Became member of the farm womens club with not even knowing it.Went to the meetings trying to figure out what we do.Meeting after meeting singing songs that have been sung for 50 years or more.Got frustrated,finally I found out we are just meeting each other .To slow down takes time.
I am at the age where getting used to grey hair takes time.My daughter was to color my hair.tried blond to go with the grey.I looked like a angel.At 3 in the morning I cut it all off.Looked like a sheep without wool.The hairdresser had to use a motorised thing they use on menn.My head was shaved to 3 mm. because my scissor had made a few deep groves.Now I am a tall woman with a large neck!My husband came home from the oilplattform and yelled what the h... have you done now!I yelled you are to support me and encourage me!You are my husband!He said from the front you are beautiful,But I cannot have that vision all the time.
Well I came to Baletrand where I am now.The women said Alette we have to like you we are so few here!You look fine.
To put lotion all over my head bliss. I now have long black hair!
Much love and Gute Rutsch,
Also, your love sounds beautiful. One of my favorite film quotes on love is from the film 'Punch-drunk love':
'I have a love in my life. It makes me stronger than anything you can imagine.'
Isn't that perfect and true?
Happy New Year to your and your Monchéri! :)
Greetings from London.
Thank you for stopping by my blog for a visit.
I loved reading about your life there. Happy New Year Lala! How much fun it would be to be in Spain on New Year's Eve!
you´ll miss this village of yours if you move. You´ll miss the rest of the world if you remain there. That´s how it works.
Places are not important. People is. Good people make good places to live. Other kind of people make good places to visit.
Go around a little bit and back to your nest! It´s very nice to have a nest to go back to.
you´ll miss this village of yours if you move. You´ll miss the rest of the world if you remain there. That´s how it works.
Places are not important. People is. Good people make good places to live. Other kind of people make good places to visit.
Go around a little bit and back to your nest! It´s very nice to have a nest to go back to.
you´ll miss this village of yours if you move. You´ll miss the rest of the world if you remain there. That´s how it works.
Places are not important. People is. Good people make good places to live. Other kind of people make good places to visit.
Go around a little bit and back to your nest! It´s very nice to have a nest to go back to.
you´ll miss this village of yours if you move. You´ll miss the rest of the world if you remain there. That´s how it works.
Places are not important. People is. Good people make good places to live. Other kind of people make good places to visit.
Go around a little bit and back to your nest! It´s very nice to have a nest to go back to.
Happy New Year, Lala.