Sunshine or rain.....
Sunshine or rain...I will be indoors this week end...making Valentine cards and yes, updating my etsy shop which presently looks so miserably boring, translating some equally boring stuff about remnants of hedge funds, dreaming of a romantic sunny walk, sporting one of these delicacies.....
Frilly or frumpy
Have an adorable week end !
and yes...I confirm, I claim it loud, my shop will be definitely
updated over the week end....thank you for your patience !
pics : these ravishing parasols from the end of the last century or early XXth cent.
can be see at El Museo del Traje en Madrid
You could picture me as the customer waiting outside your shop while the doors are still closed. You arrange your new products and you are about to open and I am sneaking through the blinders covering the door to see what's in there?
Feliz fin de semana.
I didn't discover until now that you mentioned me in a post a couple of weeks ago...Thank you for that and for your own beautiful blog!
I'm catching up on blogs and I have to say I'm really impressed with your Valentine's cards. They are beautiful and unique! Where do you get your material from? Absolutely gorgeous.
Have a nice weekend!
Instead, I guess I will have to settle for my pink one that when opened is a large shasta daisy!!
Greetings from London.
Nuestro weekend está totalmente girado del revés por culpa de unas tormentas y vendavales horribles que están pasando por Cataluña, Teruel y Tarragona... hace tanto viento que no podemos salir de casa! Teníamos que ir a Tarragona a unos ensayos de violín y piano de mi marido y después a Barcelona a ver a mi mami, pero... estamos atrapados. En fin... veremos la segunda parte de la Apu Trilogy! Disfrutad el weekend...
instant Elegance!
Thanks for sharing and bringing a smile to my heart - Judith
I hope your work runs smoothly, so you can get back out into the sunshine soon!
Enjoy what is left of the weekend.
have a sweet week.
Have a nice day!
If I had an umbrella like one of these, I would never lose it on the bus or in a restaurant!
Have a wonderful day Lala!
Best wishes,