A sweet winter week end

Life is still good in Granada. The heavy rains had stopped and on saturday, on our way to Granada, we could admire the Sierra Nevada. I'm not really a snow lover but I can't help associating snowy mountains with smooth meringues.
On saturday evening, we went to see a play at teatro Isabel la Catolica, a brilliant adaptation of Heinrich Kleist's short story The Marchioness of O. (the story takes place in the XVIIIth century, in the North of Italy. The Marchioness of O. is a young widow who finds herself pregnant, after the city has been invaded by Russian soldiers. She had been the victim of a rape, while being unconscious and although she claims her innocence, her parents reject her, and she finally announces her pregnancy publicly, urging the father of her child to confess and admit his act).
After the play, like good Granadinos, of course we had to go for beer and tapas. As you can see, the weather was mild enough to drink outside.
On sunday evening, we had a sweet farewell dinner with our friends Tim and Lyn, and Gym. You already know Tim from the blog Mediterranean Life, Interior Design and Photography. After having spent 8 years in Andalucia, Tim and Lyn feel like a change. I'm so sad to see them go but well, c'est la vie as they say, and it will also be the opportunity for us to go and visit them in their new homeland....
We talked about many things, our life here, the little cultural things we will never be able to grasp totally, our projects, what we hoped for in 2010 and then we all agreed how lucky we were to sit around a table and share a meal and just be happy.
The conversation drifted to the incredibly sad tragedy in Haïti. We fell silent for one second. Gym shook her head and said she had donated some money. We gave her a warm look. I said I sent a bit of money too via a French organization but that may be I could do a bit more, via my little etsy shop.
Well, I actually wanted to wait until wednesday to announce it on the blog, because it's not ready yet but this is what I did : I prepared a little series of 10 very cute small notebooks which will be sold on my etsy shop and the proceeds of the sales will go to Haïti.

I know, it's a modest contribution but I can tell you, I was more than happy to give a few hours of my time so please stay tune and come back on wednesday !

In the meantime, please pay a visit to my dear blogging friends Se'lah and Agneta. Just love their today post !


Oh!...you and your lovely, lovely home! And what a beautiful heart you have. You continue to inspire us.

P.S. I am drooling over the mention of tapas. Oh!!!
And I love those barrels.
Dearest Lala,
You are such a sweet and giving soul!

And you always make me smile with your words, for instance, "snowy mountains with smooth meringues".

Happy week to you...
Dulçe ♥ said…
Oh Lala... how I need to be there right now!
I love Granada And I must go back soon...
Your house is so beautiful!

Thanks for sharing your paradise with us!
Joyful said…
Many things I'm loving and thinking about your post...how I love tapas, how I love your room, and your friend's photos and your heart. A beautiful heart to help those in Haiti. No gift is too small when it is given out of the abundance of the heart. xx
Merisi said…
What a wonderful diversion from the grey and winter doldrums here, thank you for sharing these moments!
And yes, we need to be so grateful for our blessings, Haiti is a reminder of the precariousness of life.

I hope your neighbour's lemons make it through the snow and ice! It is said that lemons and oranges turn out even sweeter after a cold spell, but too much of it of course is not what they need.

Thank you for the book tip, I shall have to buy and read the Leo Castelli biography!
Mélanie said…
Ta maison est si joli !! Ton idée pour Haiti est magnifique et touchante .
Linda Sue said…
The mountains are really beautiful all sunshiney and covered in white! Your home- sigh...such loveliness. Faire l'amour...
Haiti will be a long time lost and needy- must keep up funds to Haiti for years to come if it is to survive. Not a quick fix at all! So, keep reminding people down the line- we must not forget them - like we did New Orleans...
Anonymous said…
You are the queen of sensuality all categories, and you enrich my cyberlife!

And....your home is the warmth personified.

Lots of love

Agneta, the Swedish one
Relyn Lawson said…
I've said it before, your home and your art are both so lovely.
ceecee said…
I'm finding it hard to just go about my daily life. I keep stopping and thinking of all the heartache. So hard to even talk about. Every little thing we can do helps. Thinking of you.

Catherine xx
Anonymous said…
Excellent photos. This sounds like a fantastic weekend.

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