How green is my Lecrin valley....a pre-Easter lunch

I thought you would like to share this peaceful pre-Easter lunch we had last sunday with friends at Marianne and Thierry's house. This happy couple is Belgian and very very much into food. They live in the Lecrin valley in the south of Granada and restored a lovely finca and opened a few bungalows for summer rentals. I met Marianne some time ago at Gym's art classes where she made very delicate clay sculptures. I knew she was a talented sculptor but what I didn't know is that she and her husband Thierry are divine cooks ! They recently started to host private lunch or dinner parties and elaborate a monthly menu based on the seasonal products as the whole food comes from their own garden and the meat is locally produced. Everything from the delicious tapas served as an apéritif to the dessert is entirely homemade. The surroundings are peaceful and quiet and the ambiance is relaxed...well...just the Andalusian way.

After nibbling on tapas of homemade terrine and herbs tortilla, our menu comprised : calçots with its special Romescu sauce made with almonds, lamb from the Segura mountains served with roasted potatoes and strawberry and raspberry bavarois.

Now, of course I can hear you ask...what on earth are calçots ? Calçots are a special type of onion, very popular in Catalonia. To me they look and taste more or less like young leeks. This is how Marianne and Thierry prepared them. Wrapped in newspaper sheets, they cooked very slowly on ambers between two clay tiles.
After a while, the outer envelope of the calçots is burnt and they're ready to be eaten. When Thierry opened the newspaper, I laughed because he used some French paper to wrap the onions. Very convenient to catch up with the news even if the papers are dated.
Mmm... Monchéri is not a calçot expert but you get more or less the idea. The inner green onion is meant to be pulled out and then dipped in the sauce. It has to be hot too to be fully enjoyed.
I loved how the lamb was cooked with plenty of garlic. We all had very generous portions and there was still some left was for a second helping
But for me, I could have eaten two or three of these raspberry and strawberry bavarois....So delicious...Marianne didn't have enough strawberries in her garden so she mixed them with frozen raspberries she kept from last year.

We just received the menu for April...sounds promising... I guess you will read more about Marianne et Thierry's fabulous cooking more often on this blog...
And this cute little one below is very lucky indeed to have found such a good home !

if you're in the area and would like to book lunch or dinner at Marianne and Thierry's
you can email them at


This looks so good! I have decided !it started snowing today!That was the last straw, I am packing.Washing the house ,(easier to come back) and hola! Ordered 3 weeks from this Saturday.I am only asking for no snow ,I am sure Spain will deliver.
Linda Sue said…
Now I am unbearably hungry- Might be a destination trip just for lunch! Wonderful shots- enticing! Lucky kitty!
Don said…
This all looks just too good. Lucky you!
Kalee said…
What a delightful meal. I have been dying to taste these calcots you speak of- I just missed the season last year as I was in Barcelona in May. Cheers!
Joyful said…
The food looks amazing and it is so wonderful that it is all local. Very blessed you are!
Mélanie A. said…
Quel delicieux menu...les oignons cuits ont l'air très particulier...
L'endroit a l'air superbe
anouk said…
Qué ricos los calços! Hace unos días fuimos a Tarragona a tomarlos. En Cataluña el menú típico es :calçots,unos 20 por persona,cordero a la brasa, naranjas y un postre dulce. El cordero vuestro tiene una pinta...estupenda!
he visto la foto en la que se está limpiando un calçot, Si me permites una sugerencia, te diré cómo se limpian: con una mano se coge de arriba del tallo y con tres dedos de la otra, se aprieta y se va tirando desde la parte de arriba,por donde está agarrado, hacia abajo. De esta forma, se van desprendiendo sólo las capas del calçot que están quemadas y te queda la parte tierna que se come.
Así es muy fácil.
Si los haceis de nuevo, podéis probarlo.
And I would say you are very lucky! This looks incredibly delicious and the view is astounding. Always good to have good friends that love to cook and entertain.....remind me to get some. Happy Easter. XO
Marilyn Miller said…
A beautiful meal and a sweet kitty too. Just lovely.
Anonymous said…
Life doesn't get much better than that. Good for you!

(I've seen hundreds upon hundreds of cat photos over the years, but that's one pretty darn cute kitten pic!)
My Grama's Soul said…
What a lovely get together you seem to have had.


PK Studios said…
lovely, lovely, lovely! This is how life should be.....I may be planning my next holiday in Spain!
Vær våken said…
It all looks so good! I want to come and taste :) I guess that cake was amazing! And the cute!!! Love posts like this!
Unknown said…
Is that a chia kitty? Is it just growing out of that pot? It is very cute!


Unknown said…
yummy! looks delicious and the surroundings too rustically perfect for word:)
Marie said…
Everything looks so good and beautiful! Muchas gracias for your tips about my upcoming trip to Spain.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your comments on my blog, they always makes me soo happy.

Your blog is, as usual, full of inspiration and I want to wish you a Happy Easter!

Agneta, Sweden
Dulçe ♥ said…
OMG This is so beautiful and inviting!--- as always .LOVELY pics!
Abrazo :)
La Dolfina said…
This looks like a day in Paradise!
Lucky, I mean, Blessed are you :)
Elisa said…
Oh Lala you did a wonderful job of describing your wonderful lunch and the pictures parecen de una revista. How lovely that you had this opportunity and there is nothing better I agree than homegrown produce..ahh me dejaste suspirando... como siempre.
christina said…
the view out of this window is stunning!
i so wish i were there. yum!
love you, my sweet!
beatrice De said…
J'aime bien le fond... *Controverse sur l'avenir*... des oignons ?
Bonito said…
wow! Nice house, trip & food.
mmmmm. Im hungry know!
Agus said…
Esta entrada me ha encantado, que hambre me está entrando, se me hace la boca agua...., la foto del felino es preciosa.

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