Invitation au voyage

My cousin called me on sunday evening, and asked me if I could
please make a travel journal, super quick for one of his friends
who is going to Greece next week.
So yesterday all my neurones were soaking up
the Greek shades of blue, pink and green
and these two journals were sent to Paris this morning.
It's actually the beginning of a new line of
travel notebooks I've just started.
Hope its recipient will like them !
Do you like them ?

Mon cousin m'a appelé dimanche soir pour me commander
en urgence, un carnet de voyage pour un de ses amis
qui part en Grèce la semaine prochaine.
Donc hier, tous mes neurones étaient concentrés
sur les teintes pastel de la Grèce, bleu, rose et vert.
Et ces deux carnets sont maintenant dans la poste,
direction Paris.
En fait, c'est le début d'une série de carnets de voyage
que j'ai commencé il y a peu.
J'espère qu'ils plairont à son destinataire.
Et vous, vous aimez ?

pic : me


K said…
They are fabulous! I'm sure that your cousin's friend will be thrilled.
Susana said…
Absolutely lovely!
aguja said…
What a brilliant idea ... and it will be as perfectly made as all your work.
Fabulous travel journals and for people in Paris too ... I am sure that they will adore them ♥
Gina said…
Dear Lala, Of Course I like them. The colors and the designs are fabulous, as usual.
Gill said…
LOVE them!!!! xoxo
Swetha said…
Whats there not to like in that?? i love it... its very good.. and very creative!!
Dee said…
Just fabulous! You have definitely inspired me to make travel journals!
ceecee said…
I do, I do! I like everything you do, Lala. I have a book of photos of Greece right next to bed this week and I've been dreaming away. It will be the trip of a lifetime. (Don't know when.) Your travel journals will hold so many memories for writers and dreamers. How lovely is that?
Catherine xo

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