My hairdresser's door this morning

and to finish this series about doors,
here's my hairdresser's door this morning...
fresh garlic from el campo brought right to her door
love it !

et pour finir cette série de posts sur les portes,
voici la porte de ma coiffeuse ce matin....
de l'ail tout frais de la campagne, à sa porte..
J'adore !

Have a wonderful week end
Un très bon week end à tous

pic : me


K said…
Great Picture!
Vær våken said…
All of the doors are nice, but this one is so beautiful! What a charming idea :)Have a lovely weekend, Lala!

Kristin xx
Is she keeping the vampires away??
I love garlic but not so sure of this...looks interesting to say the least!!
PK Studios said…
So fun but I was thinking the same thing as Linda!!! So funny! Are there vampires in Granada?? : )
aguja said…
The coincidence here is 'hairdresser'. I have just come from a 'door opening' reception of my hairdresser's new salon ... complete with food on the street and mascleteas!

I love the garlic! vampires yet in Andalusia...well, that i know of ! but she just got this bunch of garlic freshly picked from the field with several others and they were for sale! :-)
Mystical said…
I liked this door the best! ♥
I was thinking of the same thing as PK Studios. Hahaha. :D
Theresa Cheek said…
Your pictures depict life as I would like to live! The garlic against that white door is almost a still life! Lovely!

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