Inspiring cookbooks

As Christmas is slowly approaching, my brain is tuning to baking mood.
So I flip through my recipe books. I dream of cakes, candies roses, sugared pink petals....Decadent Desserts by Christina de Vogüé
is a favorite at the moment but I also want those !

Nous nous approchons tout doucement de Noël et mes neurones
sont déjà en mode pâtisserie. Je feuillette mes livres de recettes.
Je rêve de gâteaux, de roses confites, de pétales roses au sucre....
En ce moment, Decadent Desserts de Christina de Vogüé
est mon livre de desserts préféré mais je veux aussi ceux-là !

Un déjeuner de soleil en Italie (A sunny lunch in Italy) by the always inspiring Edda sounds like a wonderful initiation to Italian food. I've been following Edda's blog for some time now and her recipes are so evocative of sunny Italian food and healthy Mediterranean savors. It's the kind of food which really talks to me, so her book is definitely on my list for Christmas. I also like the fact that she cooks in a very very tiny kitchen (4 sqm) which makes her beautiful culinary adventure even more exciting !

Next on my list is the book of French Stylist Émilie Guelpa who had the brilliant idea of creating a collection of cookbooks titled "Cooking attitude". In her book "Je cuisine poétique" (I cook in a poetic way), you learn how to prepare delightful desserts and the recipes also focus on the ambiance and aesthetic. She created themes like the Marie-Antoinette one above or the origami theme among others which are all lovingly poetic.

At the moment both these books are in French but hopefully an English version will exist very soon.
Are you also in baking/cooking mood ?
Any cookbooks you want to share with me ?

Un déjeuner de soleil en Italie par Edda qui m'inspire toujours semble être une merveilleuse initiation à la cuisine italienne. Je suis le blog d'Edda depuis quelque temps et ses recettes sont tellement évocatives d'une table italienne ensoleillée pleine debonnes saveurs méditeranéennes. C'est une cuisine qui me parle et son livre est sur ma liste de Noël. J'aime aussi l'idée qu'elle a préparé toutes les recettes de son livre dans une minuscule cuisine de 4 m2. Je trouve son aventure culinaire encore plus merveilleuse !

L'autre livre de cuisine sur ma liste est celui de la styliste Émilie Guelpa qui a eu l'idée géniale de créer une collection de livres de cuisine intitulée "Cooking attitude". Dans son livre "Je cuisine poétique", elle nous apprend à préparer de délicieux desserts mais aussi à créer une ambiance poétique selon un thème choisi. Je trouve le thème Marie-Antoine délicat à souhait et aussi celui sur les origami. Bref, de la véritable poésie culinaire qui m'enchante !

Si vous vous voulez partager vos lectures culinaires, n'hésitez pas !

pics : 1 - from Decadent Desserts by Christina de Vogüé
2 - via Un déjeuner de soleil
3 - via Griottes, palette culinaire

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Papier mon amour


These photos are beautiful and that would be another great cookbook to add to my collection. It's now coming up to my favourite baking-time of the year! Cakes, pies, biscuits - love it all and love spending hours in the kitchen to make it! Wishing you a lovely evening, bisous de Londres xo
Joyful said…
Those sounds like very nice cookbooks. I will have to wait until the English version comes out ;-)
studioJudith said…
Gloriously beautiful food -
delicious even before you
take a bite ... .

ceecee said…
Thanks for these links, Lala. I have a thing for pink cakes. There is a restaurant in town that serves a 3 layer Neapolitan cake that is divine - 1layerpink, 1layerchocolate, 1layerwhite. I dream about that cake. No cookbooks to recommend at the moment, but I'll surely check out your suggestions.
Catherine xx
Mélanie A. said…
Merci pour cette inspiration culinaire . les photos sont magiques
Ingrid Mida said…
I love to bake.... but sadly have not had much time for it lately. I have a huge cookbook collection but strangely enough some of my favourite recipes have come from newspaper clippings.
Looks like a divine cookbook Lala.............could it get me back into the new recipe mode? I have been a lazy cook lately. I used another of your photos today on my post, you take such wonderful photos. We must try and wrap together one day (in Spain). Happy weekend. XO

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