The cheese cave in Melegis

 Before arriving to the charming village of Melegis, there is a stone bridge which you
barely notice. But last week end, you couldn't help noticing it because there was a roulotte 
parked on the side of the road which said cueva del queso. The cheese cave....
oh what could it be? I asked myself. I went to have coffee at my friend Josiane 
who lives very near and we went to visit it. I love roulottes !

Avant d'arriver dans le charmant village de Melegis, il y a un pont en pierres que
l'on remarque à peine. Mais le week end dernier, j'ai tout de suite remarqué une roulotte
garée sur le bas-côté de la route, signalée avec un panneau cueva del queso. La cave
à fromage....Je me suis dit, tiens mais c'est quoi ? Et je suis allée prendre le café chez 
mon amie Josiane qui habite tout près et ensuite nous sommes allées voir la roulotte.
J'adore les roulottes, je ne résiste pas à leur charme !

Inside, there was a charming lady who invited us to fresh orange juice. And her
handsome husband Diego.....the man with the hat below. He had such a noble air,
I had to ask him if I could please take a picture of him. He obliged smilingly. Diego is
a maestro-quesero. Don't you just love the title ? He's a master cheese maker...el mejor...
the best my friend José Luis then told me. Diego and his wife make traditional cheese. 
She left me  her phone number and I can't wait to visit their workshop and of course 
taste their cheese.

À l'intérieur, il y avait une dame charmante qui nous a offert un jus d'orange pressées.
Il y avait aussi son mari...un bel homme du nom de Diego. Je l'ai trouvé très élégant avec
son chapeau et lui ai demandé si je pouvais le prendre en photo. Il a accepté avec un
grand sourire. Diego est maître-fromager. Qu'est-ce que c'est beau comme titre, non ?
D'après mon copain José Luis, il est le meilleur. Donc Diego et sa femme fabriquent des
fromages de manière artisanale. Elle m'a laissé son numéro de téléphone et j'ai hâte
de visiter leur atelier et bien sûr de goûter leur fromage.

 They were having a very relaxed picnic fiesta that day, beneath the olives trees. So cool.
I love the way they do it here. So simply and efficient. A few wooden boards make
a table. There is a barbecue on the side. Bottles of red wine on the table. Warm coffee
on a gaz heater. And people enjoying their food and laughing.

Ce jour-là, ils organisaient un pique-nique très sympa et relax sous les oliviers. 
Un pique-nique andalou a toujours un air de fête improvisé. On prend des planches
en bois en guise de table. On met un barbecue sur le côté. Bien sûr, il y a du vin rouge
sur la table. Quelqu'un a apporté un réchaud à gaz pour faire du café voilà...
c'est simple et détendu. On boit, on mange et on rit.
 We didn't mean to crush the party but I happened to know one of the guests,
José Luis who decided that no, we couldn't leave without having a vinito,
a glass of wine. Typical !

On ne voulait pas taper l'incrust mais comme je connaissais l'un des invités,
mon copain José Luis, du coup un petit vinito fur proposé. Typique !

 There were a few German guests who surprised me with their impeccable
Spanish speaking and one of them had an old lovely camera in a beautiful
leather case which I couldn't resist to photograph.

Il y avait quelques Allemands parmi les invités qui m'ont surpris car ils 
parlaient impeccablement espagnol. L'un d'entre eux avait un très bel
appareil photo ancien, dans son étui en cuir que je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher
de photographier.

 Suddenly the rain invited itself to the party and everybody retreated to the
cave which is currently being built and will be a cheese cave. The idea is simply
wonderful and I can't wait for its opening.

Soudain, la pluie s'est invitée et tout le monde est parti se mettre à l'abri dans
la cave actuellement en cours de construction et qui deviendra une cave à
fromages. Je trouve l'idée simplement merveilleuse et je suis impatiente de la voir,
une fois terminée.


Long live the cheese cave!
Vive la cave à fromage !


Oh my! Such a relaxing and contented atmosphere! Do we perhaps enjoy life more abroad? Having lived on both side of the pond, YES!!
Thanks for sharing and bringing back memories!
Salut et a votre sante!
Bonjour Noelle,
one thing is sure, people are certainly more relaxed on the Mediterranean side. I'm so glad you're enjoying this post !
SusieDW said…
Just discovered your generous experience, Lala. So appreciate you! I'm snug in Phoenix, AZ but loving seeing Granada and hearing about France through your eyes. Merci. ~Susie
Linda Sue said…
I have been catching up with your posts- You have been busy! I love your photos and recipes and how you make your life so delicately delicious! Lovely posts, all of them! Especially love you in your apron! Beautiful, you!
Thank you for these kind words Susie! Hope you're having a beautiful spring in Phoenix...
And merci beaucoup for reading the blog :-)
Lala x

Hi Linda, yes i love being busy in the kitchen...hey..hey...thank you for your sweet words !
Lala x
There only one thing Idon't like about this post: it makes me miss Spain...a LOT!!

Apart from that, thank you for sharing, it's beautifuly put, I can nearly feel the smells and taste the cheese and wine :)
Holà Maria!
I love your comment :-) Wish you to come back to Spain soon.....x

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