Peaceful sunday under the pine trees in Andalusia

What a treat on sunday morning to set our clock one hour back !
Monchéri and I felt like taking a big walk under the pines and
having tea under the pines

A blanket, a couple of apples, a thermos, some almonds,
something to read....A 20 mn drive and here we are under the pines

Trop contents d'avoir gagné 1 heure de plus, dimanche matin,
avec Monchéri, on a eu envie d'une grande balade matinale dans les pins.

Un plaid, des pommes, un thermos, des amandes, de la lecture....
20 mn de voiture et nous voilà sous les pins

sunshine, silence, happy to be just the two of us....
even if after a while, we were not the only ones enjoying the pines !

le soleil, un doux silence, le bonheur d'être là tous les deux....
même si au bout d'un moment nous n'étions plus si seuls !


M.E said…
Wow, what a great scenery! It must have been a lovely cozy weekend :)
FairyFiligree said…
I love pine forests and the sound of them as they stir in the wind. It seems like it was an idyllic Sunday and your happy companions completed the picture....
Unknown said…
Moments riches en sérénité, délicieux, Lala.

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