My little red circus corset....

My little red corset, I'm very fond of you and I know you like me too but please don't squeeze me too much otherwise I will faint in your embrace.....

This is what I whispered this evening to my new object of desire while trying my outfit on for next saturday party.

My dear friend Gym is celebrating her big 60th birthday this week end; she adores fancy dress parties and saturday's theme is the circus

here is my little outfit more or less complete. There's one very important accessory missing. I let you guess what it is ! (although, it's quite difficult to tell).

indeed I'm going through a red period of high heels and lacy things....I thought I didn't like corsets and in fact....hem...I can't wait to buy the next one !

this one was quite cheap (17€) and I just added the black trimming with crystals

and tiny pearls.

Tell me, do you also have a love affair with corsets or
do they leave you as cool as a cucumber ?

See you friday with my complete outfit on !


loong said…
how beautiful. it must be beautiful that you dress it
Nicole said…
That's such a great party theme! And I love the costume! Enjoy yourself!
Dakota Bear said…
Your corset is beautiful and the red is perfect. Like your costume. Is the missing item a parasol?
l'air du temps said…
so true, this corset is beauuuutiful! do enjoy the party, it sounds like it will be amazing.

i do love the idea of corsets, they are so girly and sexy taking us back to another time. my thing is, there are lots of things i love that i simply don't wear. i think only because i am not in the habit of doing so. ...gotta change that.

have fun with your preparations...
Indyeah said…
All that red shouts of passion and love and a spirit most vibrant..:))

and your photography is awesome too coz the pics always come out nice:)
enjoy yourself.:))
Indyeah said…
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beyaz mendil said…
Bu çok güzel,teşekkürler Büşra
Scarlet said…
Your Saturday outfit is beautiful! The red will look fantastic on you...and no, I was never a corset kinda girl, but life's not over yet. ;)
Unknown said…
any form of lingerie puts me in the happiest of moods. i especially love cooking in lingerie.
Dutchbaby said…
Gym's invitation is positively inspiring. You will look smashing in this circus outfit. Are your new boots the final accessory?
Unknown said…
The circus outfit looks amazing!!! You are one creative muchacha. :-)
Diana said…
Lovely! Can't wait to see photos from the party!

Brings to mind Moulin Rouge a bit.
Couture Carrie said…
That corset is exquisite, as are your photos!

I have a love affair with La Petite Salope bustiers - can't get enough of them!!

Yoli said…
Not only do I ADORE corsets, I have a bunch of them! Oh Lala this is beautiful and you will look stunning in this with this color. Wonderful costume.
What a party dress...I love that phrase "fancy dress party" it's formal...but fancy dress seems more you can create your own 'fancy' outfit. I just love the hat! I'm sure it will look so cool on the top of LaLa Ema's pretty head! <3
Anairam said…
Oh my goodness - what a fantastic outfit - you will be stunning! (Is it the leather whip that is missing? Or maybe a hoop for the lion to jump through?) I hope you will show us what you look like - have a great party! (I love fancy dress!)
tangobaby said…

Sorry to YELL like that but the idea of a Circus Party is just too too wonderful to even think about! And you will be the prettiest lion tamer/tight rope walker there. Please promise to take a thousand photos for us. And make sure you are in most of them!
Oh, my! I am sure mon cherie will also be enjoying the outfit! ; )
ceecee said…
You are going to look sexy and divine! The first time I ever went to the Circus was in Spain!!! Crazy for Corsets...
Love -

P.S. Yes - also having trouble leaving comments on some blogs.
Anonymous said…
This is exquisite!
Anonymous said…
I'm curious if men will wear tights on this party :) or all men will be dignified circus magician (I think they would be like Master from "Mastet and Margarita" Bulgakov's book :)).
About corset... I wore corset only once, at my wedding and I'm big fan of it now. Oh, and my corset was red too! You can see it here [ ]
You will be lovely!
Cheers and best regards from Polish Norwegian!
Relyn Lawson said…
Heck no on the corsets. Of course, if I looked like you in them... Well, I guess I would change my mind. What fun, fun, fun party idea. I love it!!
rochambeau said…
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