My little red circus corset....
My little red corset, I'm very fond of you and I know you like me too but please don't squeeze me too much otherwise I will faint in your embrace.....
This is what I whispered this evening to my new object of desire while trying my outfit on for next saturday party.
My dear friend Gym is celebrating her big 60th birthday this week end; she adores fancy dress parties and saturday's theme is the circus
here is my little outfit more or less complete. There's one very important accessory missing. I let you guess what it is ! (although, it's quite difficult to tell).
indeed I'm going through a red period of high heels and lacy things....I thought I didn't like corsets and in fact....hem...I can't wait to buy the next one !
and tiny pearls.
i do love the idea of corsets, they are so girly and sexy taking us back to another time. my thing is, there are lots of things i love that i simply don't wear. i think only because i am not in the habit of doing so. ...gotta change that.
have fun with your preparations...
and your photography is awesome too coz the pics always come out nice:)
enjoy yourself.:))
Brings to mind Moulin Rouge a bit.
I have a love affair with La Petite Salope bustiers - can't get enough of them!!
Sorry to YELL like that but the idea of a Circus Party is just too too wonderful to even think about! And you will be the prettiest lion tamer/tight rope walker there. Please promise to take a thousand photos for us. And make sure you are in most of them!
Love -
P.S. Yes - also having trouble leaving comments on some blogs.
About corset... I wore corset only once, at my wedding and I'm big fan of it now. Oh, and my corset was red too! You can see it here [ ]
You will be lovely!
Cheers and best regards from Polish Norwegian!
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