A virtual pause on a sunny Venetian terrace.....

yes, my lovelies this is what I propose to you this week.....to escape to this romantic
setting in Venice, if like me you feel a bit overwhelmed.....

eh oui mes chéris, c'est ce que je vous propose cette semaine...une escapade virtuelle
à Venise...si comme moi, vous vous sentez un peu débordé....

These past days life is a bit too busy for me at my little castle in Spain. I'm preparing stuff for a Christmas market which will take place on sunday 27th november at my friend Scarlett (do you remember the beautiful Casa Amelia here ?). Then on sunday 4th december, I'm having an exhibition of my work at home. So it means, setting up the whole workshop as a nice ambiance shop plus decorating the house and planning baking as we will also serve tea and cakes. At the moment, I'm also doing a big translation job which takes me 7hrs a day and then well, I must dedicate a few more hours to make more cards, more aprons, eat, try to stay calm and serene which unfortunately is impossible ! My sweet Monchéri has to put up with my changing mood. I'm a bit nervous because it's the first time I'm showing my work at home and my sense of perfection is just killing me. So, I guess, I'll just cool down.
I feel a bit peevish to tell you that you won't see me much on the blog on this week, as let's face it, I won't have much time. I still hope to come and say hello on friday and tell you how it goes. In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful week.....See you soon my dear lovely readers....

Ces derniers jours, le rythme s'est un peu accéléré dans mon petit château en Espagne. Je prépare un marché de Noël qui aura lieu le 27 novembre chez mon amie Scarlett (vous vous souvenez la belle Casa Amelia ?). Le dimanche d'après, 4 décembre, j'ai une expo à la maison de mes créations. Donc ça veut dire que je suis en train de transformer l'atelier en petite boutique sympa. La maison aussi doit être décorée car on servira du thé et des petits gâteaux faits maison. En ce moment j'ai aussi un gros boulot de traduction qui me prend 7h par jour et je dois glaner quelques heures en plus pour faire plus de cartes, plus de tabliers, prendre le temps de manger, d'essayer de rester calme et sereine ce qui malheureusement est impossible ! Et mon adorable chéri supporte tant bien que mal mes sautes d'humeur. Je suis un peu anxieuse parce que c'est la première fois que j'organise une expo chez moi et je sens que mon perfectionnisme va bientôt m'achever. Bon, le plus important est d'arriver à rester zen.
Je me sens un peu piteuse de vous dire que vous ne me verrez pas beaucoup sur le blog cette semaine parce que, franchement je n'aurai pas le temps. J'espère tout de même vous faire un petit coucou avant le week end....
En attendant, je vous souhaite à tous de passer une très belle semaine...alors à bientôt mes lecteurs chéris....

pic : from one of my favorite ambiance books
Ambiente y decoracion by Rosita Adamoli


Salut Lala, looks like you really are very busy. I'm sure you'll get everything ready without problems and it will be a great success. Don't worry about the blog, your work is more important - though I do expect to see photos afterwards ;-) Have a good week, bisous xo
Joyful said…
I can empathize with you dear Lala. You have a lot going on! I will look forward to seeing your photos later. Hugs.and.breathe.
We have many trips planned over the next 8 months so I am hoping to see Venice next year. It is next on the list. We were trying to squeeze it in this Christmas but decided to do a luxury dude ranch trip instead...........seeing songs around the campfire! I love horseback riding so looking forward to it and they have hot air balloons so I am ready with my cowgirl outfits for the line dancing. But I do love Venice. Hope you aren't working too hard and wish I was there to help. But i know it will be fabulous, dont forget to have some fo those knitted nexk ties you showed last week..........they are fabulous! Rest and enjoy. XO
Unknown said…
Good luck Lala and remember to breathe! See you when we see you.
Francesca x
ceecee said…
I know everything will be beautiful with that special Lala touch. Best of luck and see you soon.
Catherine xx
Kirsten Steen said…
What a beautiful terrace, Lala! Wishing you the best of luck with all your artistic endeavors! Keep deep breathing and all will be fine!
Bon Weekend, Kirsten
miss b said…
I've just stumbled across your blog - it's lovely and these photos are beautiful! I think I'll just read a few more posts starting with Paris: a food story!

Unknown said…
gorgeous photos, I wish I was there! love your blog.

vicki archer said…
Good luck Lala.... xv

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